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WildFit 90-Day Challenge

  • Strengthen your immune system

  • Improve your sleep

  • Boost your energy levels

  • Reset your relationship with food

  • Get into the best shape of your life!

Are you stuck in creating health habits that stick?

Download "Your Simple Guide to Healthy Habits" booklet for free.

Iceberg Lettuce

Hello, I am Natasa


health enthusiast and certified Nutritional Consultant 

I am passionate about health. But it wasn't always the case...


After almost 2 years of IVF journey and becoming a mother at the ripe age of 43, I hit the wall. I was massively overweight (carrying about 25kg extra, even after having lost my "babyweight"!), depressed, unhappy, cranky and always craving sweet food.


Two years after the birth of my son I started to work out, which helped a bit, but didn't bring the change I wanted. 


And then COVID-19 came to the rescue. My husband and I took the lockdown as an opportunity to rethink our goals and aspirations and came to the conclusion that health (on a cellular level) was paramount to anything and everything. 


So, we did a lot of research and embarked on a journey of self-healing and learning. Learning about nutrition, fitness and health. Here is what happened:

  • We fundamentally changed our relationship with food.

  • We are probably healthier and happier than ever before.

  • We sleep well and have a focus and clarity of mind that I didn't know was possible. 


In this website I am sharing our experience of this amazing transformation and a selection of recipes that I either adapted form other sources or created myself to support us on our journey of becoming our best selves. Enjoy!​



I'd love to hear from you


Copyright © 2021 Natasa Kazmer

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